Dr Aisha Fields
Dr. Aisha Fields is an applied optical physicist and International Director of the All African People’s Development & Empowerment Project (AAPDEP), an African-led 501 c(3) nonprofit development organization.
With membership and branches in West Africa, Europe and the United States, Dr. Fields has helped to organize and coordinate AAPDEP’s impressive community-based health care, agricultural and educational programs since the organization’s founding in 2007.
Currently, AAPDEP medical personnel are leading efforts on the ground in Sierra Leone, West Africa, to train community health workers on the prevention of Ebola Virus Disease, provide psychosocial counseling and support to EVD affected communities as well as coordinate the dissemination of much-needed food and medical and sanitation supplies.
As a member of the African People’s Socialist Party, Dr. Fields believes that sustainable development for Africa and African communities around the world is possible, but only through African self-reliance and self-determination. A dynamic speaker, Dr. Fields shares with audiences the absolute historical necessity for the unity of Africa’s people, resources and skills for the benefit the majority of Africans everywhere.
With more than 15 years of teaching experience, Dr. Fields also works with African youth who have been forced out of public schools, teaching them math, science and life skills. She is the proud mother of three children and resides in Huntsville, AL.