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Police violence and justice for Africans

Chairman Omali dusted white power representative Michael Lane from the American Institute for Foreign Policy in a debate on Iranian Press TV on December 5, 2014 on the issue of police violence and justice for black people in America.

Yeshitela brought home the concept of colonialism to describe the situation of African people in the U.S. as opposed to racism, which is just the ideological underpinnings of capitalism.

Lane tried to separate the U.S. from its violent history; stating that the police murders of Eric Garner and Mike Brown have nothing to do with “race,” but merely represent bad policing or justified homicide of a “bad guy.”

Chairman Omali laid out the history of African enslavement that is the basis for the existence of the U.S. and showed that the police murders of African people today must be seen in that context.

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